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7 Ways to Protect Your Digital Assets after You’re Gone


From social media accounts to online photos, these digital assets need a bit extra planning to ensure they’re passed along or managed the way you’d like

Figuring out who gets your stamp collection, wedding china or even your home after you’re gone is fairly straight forward. Typically people create a will and hire an estate planner and a lawyer, sometimes both. But digital assets can present unique concerns precisely because they aren’t physical items that can be handed to another.


Sean Weissbart, partner at New York-based law firm Blank Rome, LLP, says everyone should take advantage of the online tools and permissions that social media companies, especially, grant users outright. But be aware that if you name someone on these sites, but put someone else in your legal documents, the social media sites are going to defer to the person on their records—not yours.

“In case you’ve named someone different than the person named on the online tool, the online tool still governs,” said Weissbart, who is also an adjunct professor at New York University School of Law. “So check and make them consistent with the will.”

To read the full article, including more of Sean's recommendations, please click here.

“7 ways to protect your digital assets after you’re gone,” by Lauren Barack, was published in GearBrain on October 21, 2020.