Speaking Engagement

What’s Driving U.S. Opportunity Zones Growth?—Data Deep Dive

Opportunity Zones Forum (Midwest)

16 W. Adams St
Chicago, IL

Blank Rome Partner Michael I. Sanders will speak at Information Management Network’s (“IMN”) Opportunity Zones Forum (Midwest), being held Thursday, September 19, 2019, from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., in Chicago, Illinois.

Mike’s panel, “What’s Driving U.S. Opportunity Zones Growth?—Data Deep Dive,” will take place from 9:00 to 9:45 a.m. and will address:

  • What are the most compelling data findings underscoring growth in opportunity zone investments?
  • What do fund managers and investors consider to be the most attractive areas for investment?
  • What sources of funding are managers targeting? How are they adjusting their strategies to attract various investor segments?
  • With investment managers aiming to raise $20.2 billion in equity for funds targeting opportunity zones, according to Real Estate Alert, how and when do they aim to reach that goal? What late-cycle risks could impact the long-term outlook for fund flows?

Mike’s co-panelists will be:

  • Ronald Kaplan, National Lead, Commercial Real Estate Practice, CohnReznick LLP
  • Sean Morris, Managing Director, CIM Group
  • Sola Akinola, Head of Research, Preqin

Blank Rome LLP is pleased to be a sponsor of the Conference.

About the Opportunity Zones Forum (Midwest)

This one-day conference will dive into real-life applications of the community development tool established by Congress in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Attendees will learn how their peers are executing long-term investments in low-income urban and rural communities nationwide.

Mike Sanders at IMN Opportunity Zones Forum (Midwest) September 19 2019
Michael Sanders (fourth from left) at IMN Opportunity Zones Forum (Midwest), September 19, 2019